September 17–19, 2025
Frazer Methodist Church · Montgomery, AL
In light of an increasingly secularizing, post-Christian culture, many churches have pursued a strategy of relevance over the last few decades. Yet, this approach has yielded limited results for the gospel. However, both the scriptures and the church’s history present an alternative approach, one that speaks of God’s ability to revive his people and awaken them to the power available in Him.
Could we be on the cusp of such a cycle of renewal, where the empty promises of secularism are proving insufficient, prompting many to seek something more? How might we align ourselves with God’s work in our time?
Led by Sandra Richter
The newest Epic study is here! The hero? Judge and prophetess, Deborah, and her courageous commander, Barak.
In this pre-conference gathering, Sandy Richter will run us through the core of her new curriculum, asking the questions: “What is the territory that you can see from where you’re standing that you know belongs to the Kingdom of God, but is not yet in the hands of the people of God? Is it worth fighting for? And what are we going to do about it? Sandy will walk us through the real time and space of the era of Israel’s settlement, the structure of the book of Judges, and the profile of our heroine.
Be encouraged and strengthened by this story of courage and conquest that stands as a critical turning point for God’s people then and can serve as a critical turning point for God’s people now. The cast of characters is full of unlikely leaders. The crisis is insurmountable. The odds are impossible. And, yet, God shows up! This is a moment when the very real past of the people of God collides with the very needy present of the people of God, and forces us to ask ourselves the same question Yahweh asked of the Israelites: Is this territory worth fighting for? Or is it easier to just give up … and assimilate?”
Note: Session members will receive a free copy of Sandy’s new curriculum.